Monday, July 27, 2009

missing chicken


did anyone move my chicken from my day bed? i put all my toys there so i can find them when i want them, but now my chicken is gone again... each toy has its place and i always keep them with me or out them back there.

i know jj didn't take it 'cause he's away somewhere right now. so where did it go?

sometimes the guy gives me my chicken and its super cold. other times, when the food thing in the kitchen opens i can smell my chicken, but i can't find it in time! one time when my chicken got washed, i had to jump up on the counter and get it. there was a lot of stuff in the way, but i got my chicken pretty easily. some of the stuff fell on the ground but i was ok. after than my chicken was cold when i got it before walks. winter chicken

there were loud explosions a few times the past week. at first they scared me but i know its ok now. something about fireworks and lightening storms. both are pretty noisy.

ok i'm going to look for my chicken



KGINTHER said...

I suspect that your chicken & your bowling pin are hiding in the frig. That's the wonderful place where goodies come from. I'm not too interested in goodies right now. My packlady says I've got something stuck in my tummy, probably a pit from an apricot. My tummy hurts and I'm not interested in eating right now. Think I'll scope out good places to barf. Diva

Delilah and Rocket said...

Good luck on the chicken hunt. Next time tie a string to your chicken and the other end to your paw like moms do with mittens.